
  • Your complete guide to digital identity verification

    Your complete guide to digital identity verification

    As our daily lives move more online, small, medium and large companies are constantly bombarded with fraud threats. As lifestyle trends change and adapt, companies need to match the digital…

  • Financial services in APAC and SEA: Reviewing (and optimising!) manual review.

    Financial services in APAC and SEA: Reviewing (and optimising!) manual review.

    Asia Pacific (APAC) has the highest-growing fintech industry in the world with some of the biggest players in the region. Despite over 41% of the top 100 global fintech innovators originating from the region, when…

  • What is chargeback fraud?

    What is chargeback fraud?

    Chargebacks serve as consumer protection, allowing cardholders to dispute fraudulent or incorrect transactions and receive refunds from their bank. While chargebacks safeguard consumers, they can pose challenges for merchants. At…

  • Credit card fraud detection: How advanced technology enables more secure transactions

    Credit card fraud detection: How advanced technology enables more secure transactions

    Credit card fraud is a growing problem for both financial institutions and retailers. Fraudsters have grown increasingly adept at obtaining users’ credit card credentials and using them to take over financial…

  • Essential considerations for small businesses moving online

    Essential considerations for small businesses moving online

    For any small business owner looking to expand their presence online, one pressing question looms – how can you protect your business from fraud without creating unnecessary friction for customers?

  • How to fast-track identity authentication without sacrificing security

    How to fast-track identity authentication without sacrificing security

    Most businesses with an online presence are aware that their customers expect seamless account creation, login and purchasing experiences. Not only that, customers also expect that businesses will keep their…

  • When identity verification becomes a double-edged sword

    When identity verification becomes a double-edged sword

    Why digitalizing financial services is key to preventing synthetic identity fraud, attracting the next generation of consumers and staying in business.

  • How strategic friction lets brands balance security and convenience

    How strategic friction lets brands balance security and convenience

    Customers love online shopping for the convenience, but that doesn’t mean they’re willing to sacrifice the security of their transactions.

  • Increase your thin file customers with Account Opening API

    Increase your thin file customers with Account Opening API

    Customers have hundreds of choices for their banking needs — and once they choose, they aren’t likely to switch. This makes capturing customers early key to achieving revenue goals. While…

  • Probabilistic Identity Matching in Customer Experience Management

    Probabilistic Identity Matching in Customer Experience Management

    Here at Ekata we offer what is called a probabilistic approach to risk with identity verification. This is different from traditional methods, which are more deterministic. The advantage to using…

  • How customer outcomes data powers customer success

    How customer outcomes data powers customer success

    How do data driven customer success outcomes impact ecommerce fraud prevention?

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