Resources Tagged


  • Gauge Identity Quality with Attribute Volatility – Ekata Pro Insight

    Gauge Identity Quality with Attribute Volatility – Ekata Pro Insight

    Attribute Volatility – the number of times an attribute of an identity has changed in recent transactions Examples of the attribute volatility: The provided phone number has been seen with…

  • Ecommerce Fraud Prevention with Merchant Popularity – Ekata Pro Insight

    Ecommerce Fraud Prevention with Merchant Popularity – Ekata Pro Insight

    Merchant Popularity – the number of merchants where an attribute has been seen in recent transactions In our Pro Insight solution, you’ll find the merchant popularity attribute located in the…

  • Network Insights: Transaction Velocity

    Network Insights: Transaction Velocity

    Network insights provides users valuable signals that are a layer deeper than traditional linkages or match statuses. Network insights are derived from our proprietary Identity Network of historical transactions and…

  • Pre-authorization Decisioning in the Blink of an Eye

    Pre-authorization Decisioning in the Blink of an Eye

    It’s no secret that PSD2 is going to effected merchants when it went into effect. Ekata spent a lot of time thinking about how to help customers meet requirements while…

  • Transaction Risk API: The Value it Brings to the Market

    Transaction Risk API: The Value it Brings to the Market

    Transaction Risk API was built for easy integration into sophisticated machine learning (ML) models and is designed to help eCommerce merchants, marketplaces, payment processors, and others manage payment fraud. Understanding…

  • Transaction Risk API – How we Built It

    Transaction Risk API – How we Built It

    Fraud is getting more sophisticated as the payments industry continues to see massive disruptions, and merchants, lenders, and payment processors are turning to machine learning models to detect suspicious qualities…

  • Transaction Risk API: Improving Transaction Security

    Transaction Risk API: Improving Transaction Security

    With the world moving increasingly online, businesses are facing a complex challenge to make the right decision on a growing number of transactions in an ever-shortening time frame. The future…

  • Response Times 101

    Response Times 101

    For a company that provides API products, a key metric on the performance of an API is to track and iterate on its response time. What is Response Time? It’s…

  • Why Email isn’t Enough for Fraud Mitigation

    Why Email isn’t Enough for Fraud Mitigation

    Data breaches unfortunately can happen to anyone. In a large data breach in January 2019, there were 773 million email addresses and 21 million passwords compromised. This is an ongoing…

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