Resources Tagged


  • Stopping Fraud and Promo Abuse at Account Opening

    Stopping Fraud and Promo Abuse at Account Opening

    Traditional forms of fraud and promo abuse often begin before transaction, but assessing risk at account opening requires a particular balance between user experience and risk management. Organizations tend to…

  • Fight Fraud and Approve Good Customers with Manual Review

    Fight Fraud and Approve Good Customers with Manual Review

    The cost to ecommerce merchants of declining good customers is 13 times more than actual fraud. It’s a massive problem — impacting billions of dollars in revenue annually. As more merchants enter…

  • Bunking Case Study

    Bunking Case Study

    Bunking is a social marketplace that connects like-minded people through flexible shared living stays and once-in-a-lifetime travel experiences. Users can leverage Bunking’s technology to connect with a group of people…

  • Ekata expands account opening solution to help online businesses assess risk

    Ekata expands account opening solution to help online businesses assess risk

    Ekata’s expanded account opening solution uses AI to assess risk in real-time, helping online businesses prevent fraud and streamline onboarding. Click to learn how this solution can protect your business…

  • Ekata Expands Account Opening Solutions to Help More Businesses Assess Risk at Account Creation

    Ekata Expands Account Opening Solutions to Help More Businesses Assess Risk at Account Creation

    Ekata expanded its account opening solutions and risk assessment software to help ecommerce companies and marketplaces worldwide quickly identify and flag risky account sign-ups. Powered by a proprietary data set…

  • New Updates to the Ekata Deep Link Builder

    New Updates to the Ekata Deep Link Builder

    We’re very excited to share some new and exciting updates to our Pro Insight Deep Link Builder! Deep Link Builder allows Pro Insight customers to perform Identity Review and Merchant…

  • The Top 5 Fraud Indicators for Shipping Addresses

    The Top 5 Fraud Indicators for Shipping Addresses

    Determining the validity of an address, especially in ecommerce, is necessary for shipping goods or authorizing a purchase, as well as detecting fraud. Larger and more sophisticated merchants with historical…

  • Ekata Executive Series, Part II: Trust Starts at the Source: Credit Risk Versus Fraud Risk

    Ekata Executive Series, Part II: Trust Starts at the Source: Credit Risk Versus Fraud Risk

    Welcome to Ekata’s Executive Series. In this series, our CEO, Rob Eleveld, will be outlining the dynamics we see developing in the global identity verification (IDV) market and highlight Ekata’s…

  • Ekata Executive Series, Part I: Supporting Cross-Border Identity Verification

    Ekata Executive Series, Part I: Supporting Cross-Border Identity Verification

    Welcome to Ekata’s Executive Series. In this series, our CEO, Rob Eleveld, will be outlining the dynamics we see developing in the global identity verification (IDV) market and highlight Ekata’s…

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