Resources Tagged


  • The New Landscape of Payments: The Merits of Pre-Authorization Risk Assessment

    The New Landscape of Payments: The Merits of Pre-Authorization Risk Assessment

    Improve authorization rates and learn about the importance of using data for risk assessment.

  • Assessing Risk in Uncharted Times

    Assessing Risk in Uncharted Times

    Welcome to part two of a three-part series in which we look at the impacts of COVID-19 on digital commerce and fraud patterns, and insights our data provides on identifying…

  • The Good, the Bad, and the Risky: Catching Fraudulent Activity with Network Score

    The Good, the Bad, and the Risky: Catching Fraudulent Activity with Network Score

    Companies today face a rapidly evolving landscape of fraud attack types such as account takeover and credential stuffing. Bad actors are constantly changing their tactics to find new ways to…

  • New Feature in Pro Insight: Network Risk

    New Feature in Pro Insight: Network Risk

    We researched and assessed the needs of our users to ensure this release would provide absolute value and are extremely excited that with the Network Risk panel, Pro Insight is…

  • Covid-19: Understanding impacts to online payments and ways to engage with new customers

    Covid-19: Understanding impacts to online payments and ways to engage with new customers

    Learn about what Covid patterns Ekata is seeing and how to ensure you continue to engage with your best customers while protecting your business from fraud in these unprecedented times.

  • Model Risk Management Document

    Model Risk Management Document

    The Confidence Score is a feature in our global identity verification solutions: Identity Check API and Pro Insight manual review tool.

  • How to Build a Fraud Strategy for your Evolving Marketplace

    How to Build a Fraud Strategy for your Evolving Marketplace

    Here are the tools you need to provide a frictionless customer experience while keeping bad actors out, no matter what stage of growth your organization is in.

  • Using AI to Assess Identity Risk and Treat Good Customers Better

    Using AI to Assess Identity Risk and Treat Good Customers Better

    The democratization of artificial intelligence has had a dramatic impact on how businesses approach identity risk. Prior to its introduction, there were already an influx of data points streaming into…

  • The Evolving Payments Ecosystem’s Conflicting Pressures

    The Evolving Payments Ecosystem’s Conflicting Pressures

    From the customers who make the transactions to the merchants, payment service providers, and card issuers who facilitate those transactions, the payments ecosystem is made up of a number of…

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