Resources Tagged


  • Four Key Tips for International Data Sourcing

    Four Key Tips for International Data Sourcing

    While the post on Tips for Selecting the best Data Vendor is as relevant as ever, there are unique considerations with international data. While Ekata has is a global company…

  • De Facto Key to Digital Identity: Phone Validation

    De Facto Key to Digital Identity: Phone Validation

    Validating phone number data helps merchants prevent fraudulent orders, speed good customers to clear, and avoid social engineering. Within a layered fraud prevention approach, phone data provides actionable signals for…

  • Part 3: Know Your Data, Measure Your Data, Judge Your Data

    Part 3: Know Your Data, Measure Your Data, Judge Your Data

    Previous articles in this series covered the richness and completeness of data, this final article will discuss the third key to good identity verification data; accuracy.  Accuracy can be the…

  • 7 Tips for Selecting the Best Data Vendor

    7 Tips for Selecting the Best Data Vendor

    As a professional data buyer at Whitepages, there are a number of things I look for when researching and evaluating a new data source for one of our products. The…

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