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Putting the pieces together to optimize the cost of onboarding good customers

The identity verification process for a person involves piecing together many different identity elements including ID documents, biometrics, personally identifiable information (PII), biometrics, watchlists and other available details just to ensure that the person is who they say they are.

Verifying businesses adds a more complex level of requirements and additional, costly and time-consuming manual reviews. Adding an international element into business verification multiplies the complexity of the process.

To address these challenges, Trulioo partnered with us on a webinar that featured Trulioo CEO Zac Cohen, Mastercard SVP of Global Marketing Identity Solutions Beth Shulkin, and Trulioo VP of Product Marketing Coleen Carey to help organizations solve the identity puzzle.

Covering creating a holistic view of identity through the customer journey by integrating multiple-point solutions, watch the on-demand webinar to:

  • Discover new techniques for verifying the identity of both individuals and businesses using a single platform.
  • Explore the extensive range of data available to enhance identity verification across various industries, geographies and customer segments.
  • Learn how to reduce customer onboarding costs by establishing efficient verification workflows.

Watch the on-demand webinar at the link and join the conversation.

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