Nethone - Ekata


Maximize fraud detection with Nethone & Ekata

By working together, Nethone and Ekata enable you to thoroughly understand online users in real time, as well as expand your business.

Nethone’s profiling solution ‘x-rays’ users on the merchant’s site or mobile app, detects fraudulent behavior, and provides business intelligence insights, all enriched by Ekata’s digital identity data. Ekata’s API provides signals to help merchants assess the riskiness of their customers. All passively in the background to reject only fraudsters.

Ekata helps merchants using Nethone quickly identify good customers, increase acceptance rates and revenue, and prevent chargebacks; all while minimizing the need for manual review.

Key Benefits

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We feel comfortable in risky zones

Nethone has experience both in risky geographies and industries. Ekata data is available globally.

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Model Uplift

Nethone makes tailor-made models, with additional global data provided by Ekata.

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Quick and Simple Integration

We have worked on making this as easy as possible for the clients. Ekata is already pre-integrated with Nethone.

Ekata Data Feature

The Ekata Identity Engine
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Identity Risk Score

A real-time predictive score derived from data signals and transactional patterns from our identity network and sophisticated machine learning. Identity Risk Score provides a risk score from 0-500 to detect fraud and clear good customers.

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Identity Network Score

This predictive risk score is built on usage patterns of identity elements across real-world queries from our networks. Identity Network Score allows you to calculate risk based on the behavior of user inputs in real-time.

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Name Checks

Verify if the name matches the addresses, emails, and phone numbers.

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Phone Checks

Confirm if the phone numbers and the associated country codes are valid and verify if they match the emails and addresses provided.

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Address Checks

Verify if addresses are valid and if the name provided matches the resident’s name

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Email Checks

Confirm if the email is valid and review the date it was first seen along with if the registered names match the names provided.

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IP Checks

Flag if the IP is risky, verify its location and, if a person is found for the address, whether the name matches the name provided.

Contact an Expert

Let's chat about incorporating Ekata into your Nethone account. Contact us today.