Ekata Identity Engine - Ekata (de)

Ekata Identity Engine

Using sophisticated data science and machine learning, the Ekata Identity Engine combines two exclusive datasets, the Ekata Identity Graph and the Ekata Identity Network. These datasets are built around five core identity attributes (name, email, phone, physical address, and IP) and are transformed into unique and valuable data that allows businesses to accurately make risk decisions about their customers.

Engine erkunden

Confidently Assess Fraud Risk at Scale

Improve Authorization Rates

Built For Speed

Runs with low latency, with information delivered in less than 100 milliseconds for 99% interactions.


Calculated, Real-time Risk Assessments

Produces risk signals so businesses can make informed decisions about their potential customers.

Expands With Your Business

Offers a global footprint with privacy and security compliance to support increasing query volumes.

Identity Graph and Identity Network

Identity Graph

Validiert digitale Identitätselemente und deren Verbindung. Unser Identity Graph liefert überprüfte und vorbereitete Daten – so sparen Unternehmen Zeit, Ressourcen und Geld, da sie die Arbeit nicht selbst durchführen müssen.

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Identity Network

Analysiert, wie gestreute Identitätselemente in digitalen Interaktionen verwendet werden. Prädiktive Risikosignale, dynamische Entscheidungsfindung und zusammengefasste Informationen auf Transaktionsebene.

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