Manuelle Betrugsprüfung with Ekata Pro Insight- paid - Ekata (de)

Minimize Fraud, Identify Risk

Get the full picture behind a transaction in a single view with Ekata Pro Insight

Pro Insight empowers manual review teams to make faster and more accurate identity fraud decisions on a global scale. Pro Insight is tailored for manual review agents to highlight the critical data points to simplify complex fraud decisions.

    • Minimize revenue losses from chargebacks: Identity Review provides a clear picture of the identity – from good customers to fraudsters – allowing for agents to make the best decision and reduce potential chargebacks.
    • Optimize manual review queues by clearing good orders faster: Make faster decisions and reduce overloaded queues by viewing comprehensive data linkages and by understanding how the identity data elements are interacting online.
    • Reduce the number of unnecessary tools required for manual review, saving on total operational costs: Access Pro Insight through Ekata’s Deep link, an embedded hyperlink that pulls in identity data from order management systems automatically.

Ermöglicht durch die eigene
Ekata Identity Engine™

Mit ausgeklügelter Datenwissenschaft und maschinellem Lernen verbindet die Ekata Identity Engine zwei eigenentwickelte Datensätze: Ekata Identity Graph und Ekata Identity Network. Diese Datensätze wurden um zentrale Identitätsattribute herum entwickelt, die in einmalige und wertvolle Einblicke umgewandelt wurden, durch die es Unternehmen möglich ist, akkurate Risikoentscheidungen bezüglich ihrer Kunden zu treffen.

See So funktioniert es

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Over 2,000 Customers Worldwide

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About Ekata

 Ekata provides global identity verification solutions via enterprise-grade APIs for automated decisioning, and Pro Insight, a SaaS solution for manual review. Ekata’s product suite is powered by the Ekata Identity Engine (EIE), the first and only cross-border identity verification engine of its kind. It uses complex machine learning algorithms across the five core consumer attributes of email, phone, name (person or business), physical address, and IP, to derive unique data links and features from billions of real-time transactions within the Ekata proprietary network and the data licensed from a broad spectrum of global providers. Businesses around the world including Alipay, Microsoft, and The Hut Group leverage our product suite to increase approvals of more good transactions, reduce customer friction at account opening, and find fraud.


      • Award-Winning Global Identity Verification Solutions
      • 120% Retention Across over 2,000 Customers
      • Cross-Border Verification Spanning 238 Countries & Territories
      • Industry-Leading Kundendienst

Wesentliche Vorteile

Improve Authorization Rates

Genehmigungsraten verbessern

Verifizieren Sie noch legitimere Interaktionen, um Ihre Kundenbasis beizubehalten und zu vergrößern.

Rückbuchungen reduzieren

Decken Sie mehr Betrugsfälle auf, um Ihren Gewinn zu schützen.

Optimize Manual Review Queues

Warteschlangen für manuelle Prüfung optimieren

Treffen Sie schneller Risikoentscheidungen und genehmigen Sie mehr gute Transaktionen.

Sales Inquiries

Entgangene Umsätze vermeiden

Lehnen Sie betrügerische Transaktionen ab, während Sie mehr richtige Kunden genehmigen.